7 Cloud Security Tips

Cloud security is increasingly important, we have more information than ever online and we see security breaches month on month, so protecting data is pivotal – here’s how to do so.

1: Backup Your Data Locally

While keeping data in the cloud may be a great idea, you still need to make manual backups regularly. Data stored in the cloud can be accessed from almost anywhere for as long as you are allowed to, and with an internet connection. Keeping electronic copies of this data also safeguards you from lost or corrupted data.

To be safe, consider backing up the data in another cloud server or a physical hard drive. Keeping copies of your data in the cloud and physical drives have its advantages. For instance, you can use the physical disk to access the data if experiencing slow or no internet connectivity.

2: Refrain From Keeping Sensitive Information In The Cloud

The internet will always have loopholes that can be manipulated.  This is evidenced by the rising number of identity theft and such. For this reason, it would be advisable to avoid storing sensitive personal and financial information in the cloud. This includes your passwords.

Copyrights and patents among other intellectual property shouldn’t be stored in the cloud either. Although you may have the best security systems in place, you never know when a hacker or malicious person will hack into your database.

3: Keep Important Data Encrypted

Ensuring data stored on your hard drives and cloud server are encrypted is one of the best protection mechanisms you can employ. There are plenty of cloud encryption services out there. This however means that you’ll have to decrypt the files or data after downloading it from the cloud. This method comes particularly in handy in protecting your data from administrators and service providers. Although simple, using cloud services that encrypt your data is essential in keeping your data safe.

4: Encrypt Data Before Uploading To The Cloud

7 cloud security tips

Password protecting your files (encryption) before uploading them to the cloud is recommended as well. This puts an extra layer of security in addition to the cloud servers encrypting the data automatically. You can therefore make use of 3rd party encryption tools to ensure your files are correctly encrypted before uploading. If you think it won’t happen to you, then read this piece about bank’s security from Barclay Simpson

5: Have A Strong Anti-Virus Software Installed

Anti-virus systems are mostly recommended in terminals and computer systems.  While hacking into a cloud server may be almost impossible, getting into an unprotected computer system is relatively easy. Hackers can hack into your computer to gain entry to the cloud server. Using a strong antivirus to protect your computer from malware and hackers is an excellent way to safeguard your data.

6: Use Hard-To-Guess Passwords

Never use weak or easily guessable passwords for any of your accounts or cloud storage. Using passwords that are hard to guess, and combining letters with characters and numbers makes it hard for anyone to crack. Most cloud service providers offer tips and advise on how to create a secure password for your account.

While creating a strong password is recommended, you still need to change these passwords frequently. This makes it even harder for bots to guess your password. You also shouldn’t share these passwords openly or with unauthorized persons. Most service providers ask additional security questions to help confirm the user.

7: Test the security protocols

Don’t just assume every cloud server is secure. Hire ethical-hackers to try to force their way into your cloud.  Assessing security in these servers is particularly crucial if dealing with highly sensitive data. Let these professionals help you determine the best cloud service provider for your company.

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