What are the Best WordPress Hosting Plans? Shared or Managed?

If you’re looking for a hosting plan, you’ve probably noticed that many hosting companies are offering WordPress hosting packages. What this means is that the server your site will be hosted on has been optimized exclusively for WordPress tools. However, there are several types of WordPress hosting, such as Shared hosting, VPS hosting and Managed hosting. How do you pick the best WordPress hosting plan for your needs?

You can start by choosing from two main types of WordPress hosting: Shared and Managed.

Shared Hosting Plans

Thanks to their cheap price, shared hosting plans are perfect for sites that don’t get a lotof traffic. If you opt for a shared hosting plan, you’ll be sharing the server resources, such as CPU, server space and memory with other websites.

Advantages of shared hosting

Affordability: Many hosting companies offer affordable sharing hosting plans for WordPress sites. Did you know that most coffee enthusiasts spend more money on coffee in a single day than it takes for a monthly cost of a sharing hosting plan?You can find view the prices of some of the best WordPress Hosting plans in this page www.wikigains.com/webhosting/home/.

Ease of Use: The majority of shared hosting plans are automated, systematized, and well-organized. WordPress hosting packages usually come with one-click WordPress installations.

Security: With shared hosting, it’s up to the hosting company to provide security and performance optimization. If you’ve outgrown shared hosting, the company can help you move the site to another hosting solution.

Disadvantages of shared hosting

Limited Resources: If your site gains a lot of traffic in a short period of time, the hosting provider might take it down in order to protect other websites.

High Risk: Conversely, other customers’ site behaviour might affect the performance of your own site. If you’re running an online store or some other business, you’ll want to avoid downtime because another site in the same server experienced a traffic spike.

Managed WordPress Hosting

With a managed hosting package, the hosting firm takes care of all technical aspects of managing the server. Among other things, this includes WordPress updates, daily backups, speed, security updates, scalability, and website uptime. For many small and medium size companies, with no dedicated IT personnel, this is an ideal WordPress hosting solution.

Advantages of Managed hosting

Convenience: You can sit back and let the experts deal with server optimization and other tasks. Your company does not have to allocate resources on server management.

Extra Features:There are a lot of useful extra features on Managed hosting plans that you might be interested in. Some of the more popular features include site cloning, easy restores, faster site speed, one-click staging and more.

Disadvantages of Managed hosting

Price: As you’re probably aware, quality of service doesn’t come cheap. Plans that involve more services from the hosting company will inevitable be more expensive than regularshared hosting.

Restrictions: As we’ve already established, managed WordPress hosting packages are only for WordPress sites. In other words, you won’t be able tohost sites build in Drupal, Joomla or content management systems. And of course, you won’t be able to run any software other than WordPress.

Choosing the Right Best WordPress Hosting Package

Choosing between hosting plans is a big decision even for experienced webmasters– one that could impact your sales, reputation, and even your bottom line. Is your website not critical to the operation of your business? Do you have a low budget for webhosting? Does your site have few daily visitors? If that is the case, then a shared hosting plan for as low as $5 per month may be enough.

However, is your site important to your business? Have you got thousands of visitors every day? Do you want full control over your server’s infrastructure but want someone else, more experienced than you, do the heavy lifting? If you have answered yes to these questions, then a managed WordPress hosting plan is thebest choice.

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