Checking WordPress For a Virus

Veteran website owners are well aware that viruses have the potential to cause major issues. While some viruses are easily detected through the use of common anti-virus software, others remain hidden and cause issues for a long time. Often, viruses which are allowed to thrive cause the most issues because they collect sensitive information over a period of time. In order to maintain the security and integrity of your WordPress website, you must take the proper steps. Let’s take a look at some of the warning signs that your WordPress site has become infected with malware, and why identifying and eliminating them should be priority number one.

One of the key signs that your website has a malware virus is a slowdown. Once malware takes hold, your entire operating system runs much more slowly. When website visitors encounter slow run times for videos and links to interactive games and other websites, then they will move on to a more user-friendly website. This becomes problematic, especially if you hope to gain revenue through ad placement. Losing visitors means you might have to start all over again from scratch. For instructions on how to remedy a virus or malware read the blog post Check WordPress for Malware.

Inappropriate redirects are another problematic issue. Have you ever gone to a website only to become bombarded with pop-ups? While many pop-ups are annoying, yet harmless, others can lead to inappropriate content. Imagine if your website becomes infected, and your website visitors accidentally click on a pop-up that redirects them to pornography. This type of issue reaches far beyond simple embarrassment. It can also lead to legal issues if you are not careful. Other pop-ups lead you to phoney sales sites which seek to gain personal information through sign-up processes. If you scan your WordPress site frequently, you can identify and eliminate the issue.

Another sign that your site has been infected with a virus is unusual or unauthorized activity. For example, if you got o your WordPress site and find that it now has a brand new browser homepage that you did not alter, then you likely have a virus. New toolbars or other additions also offer clues to a major problem. Additionally, unwanted websites might be granted full access to your own site without your consent. This is done in order for the malicious website to gain personal information for financial gain, or to hijack your original and unique information.

Phishing attacks are used to get usernames, email addresses, and passwords. They often come through in email services when a user is prompted to click a link in order to win a prize or earn “quick cash,” for example. The good news is that phishing attacks are easily identifiable if you stay on top of them. Always make sure to follow up on website member complaints regarding requests found in their inboxes which request personal information. If you see a pattern developing, then you should scan your own WordPress website in order to locate and get rid of the phishing virus.

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